Friday, September 19, 2008


The first log entry.
It was decided that a log was necessary to maintain a record of research undertaken. This was due to the many times that research results have been lost due to memory failure. Many topics have been researched in the past, such as Linux, python, Qt, Perl, various API access, etc. However due to the irregular nature of the research the results are rarely accessed, and as such generally fade from memory.
In deciding where the log was to be hosted two options were considered. Blogger and Wordpress. Various pages were found detailing the differences between the two services, such as:
After reading the comparisons, and comparing the features detailed for each (Wordpress and Blogger) the conclusion was that Wordpress offered the better features. However, Blogger offered a very easy way of integrating ads, which was deemed 'cool'. Both offered simple interfaces, and realistically, offered services beyond the needs of a simple blog. Blogger was chosen.
A simple theme was chosen and modified with colours from the Zenburn Vim colour scheme. These can be found here. An initial post was then created.
The usefulness of this new log is yet to be determined.